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Self-Esteem & Goals Workshop

A Workshop for Women Who Want to Conquer the Fear of Failure

Thursday July 6, 2023

7pm EST • 6pm CST • 5pm MST • 4pm PST

Tired of living in fear of failure, feeling guilty for past mistakes,

and thinking you're not good enough?

The Self-Esteem & Goals Workshop is exclusively designed for ambitious women who yearn to discover their true capabilities. With mindset techniques, goal-setting strategies, and confidence-building exercises at the helm, you'll be ready in no time to unleash an unstoppable version of you!

Connect with women just like you who are ready to:

  • Conquer Negative Self-Talk

  • Overcome Perfectionism

  • Get Crystal Clear on Goals

Candice N.

“What could have been a very challenging day turned out to be a blessing."

"When I met Ms. Angie…She gave me some great advise and gems when it comes to business, meditation, and self help. So thankful to have met her …[sic]”

What You can Expect to Learn from

The Self-Esteem & Goals Workshop

  • How to identify the limiting beliefs that keep holding you back

  • Strategies for improving your self-esteem

  • Crush the belief that you are not good enough

  • The power of positive self-talk and how to use it to your advantage

  • How to pray, meditate, and manifest your goals into reality

  • What happens when you focus on reasons to be thankful

  • How to develop a growth mindset so you can overcome challenges

Are you ready to master your inner critic and accomplish your goals?

"Don't let people make you feel incapable or unworthy. You are strong, intelligent, and capable of greatness."

"I felt so much better after one conversation with Angie. She asked me if I loved myself, and that’s when the tears really started flowing. I never realized until that day that I didn't love myself. Thanks to the strategies she taught, I now know how to recognize and interrupt the pattern of negative thinking."

~ Anonymous

Ready for greatness?

What you’ll receive during

The Self-Esteem & Goals workshop

  • Our 90-Minute Interactive Virtual Workshop

  • The Recordings in a Membership Area to Keep

  • The Self-Esteem & Goals Workbook

  • Time for Q&A With Self-Esteem Coach Angie

  • BONUS: Guided Meditation (Downloadable MP4)

  • BONUS: 30-Days of Confidence Calendar 


Frequently Asked Questions.

What is the benefit of attending this workshop?

This workshop can help you to identify and understand the negative beliefs and thought patterns that contribute to low self-esteem.  Low self-esteem can lead to feelings of anxiety and stress. It’s also the culprit behind the dreaded fear of failure. By improving your self-esteem, you can reduce these negative emotions.

Get ready to walkaway from this workshop with some practical techniques for boosting your self-esteem so you can live a confident and empowering life.

How can this workshop help me improve my self-esteem?

Great question!

The workshop will equip you with valuable tools and strategies to improve your self-confidence and overall sense of self-worth. You will leave this workshop with a renewed understanding of who you are at your core and how your self esteem influences and affects your life.

Remember that improving self-esteem is a journey that takes time and effort. This workshop is just the beginning. The real transformation happens when you actively apply the what you are going to learn into your everyday life.

Why do you believe prayer and meditation can turn goals into reality?

I believe prayer and meditation can turn goals into reality because this workshop is the manifestation of praying and meditating until it became a reality. I also obligated myself to following through on the actions to bring this workshop to fruition.

In this workshop I am going to show you how I used prayer and meditation to conquer self-sabotage and dominate the fear of failure.

Is there any preparation required before attending the workshop?

Although no pre-work is necessary, we do ask that you attend the workshop with an open mind and leave any preconceived notions or biases at the door.  Think about what you hope to gain from the workshop and set some goals for yourself. This will help you to stay focused and motivated throughout the workshop.

Come prepared to take notes and be willing to participate and engage with other participants in a judgement free zone.

What if I can’t make the class live?

No problem! We’ll record the class and give you access to the members portal to access it anytime. Recordings will be available within 7 days after the virtual event.

you're invited to the

Self-Esteem & Goals Workshop



90-minute INTERACTIVE virtual WORKSHOP


The Self-Esteem & Goals Workbook




BONUS: Guided Meditation (downloadable MP4)


BONUS: 30-Days of Confidence Calendar





Total Value = $270

Regular Price for this Workshop - $97

Today's Price = $27

You are Amazing and deserving

Remember that every successful person started somewhere, and you have the power to shape your own destiny. Trust yourself, be kind to yourself, and take small steps toward your daily aspirations.

~ Angie

Angie D. Jordan

Spiritual Teacher & Self-Esteem Coach

Not sure if this workshop is for you?

the self-Esteem & Goals Guarantee

Come to the Self-Esteem & Goals Workshop on July 6th and if it doesn’t inspire and empower you to take action toward reaching your goals. just email us at and we’ll happily issue you a full refund.

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